History of Gill Grove Baptist School
Started in 1996 with Kindergarten, we have now grown to a full elementary, middle, and high school that in 2022-2023 will have its 19th high school graduating class. We are a ministry of Gill Grove Baptist Church, an independent, fundamental, Bible-believing Baptist church started in 1843. This school was started through the vision of Pastor John Brothers, pastor at Gill Grove since 1974.
Purpose of Gill Grove Baptist School
Gill Grove Baptist School is one of the educational ministries of Gill Grove Baptist Church. Since Gill Grove is a Baptist school, all those enrolled should understand that Baptist doctrine will be taught. It is the purpose of this ministry to provide a Christ-centered education.
Since GGBS is a ministry of Gill Grove Baptist Church, the school is founded on the same biblical principles on which the New Testament Church was founded. GGBS believes the Bible to be the authoritative Word of God, and all of our programs, both curricular and extracurricular, are based on the principles set forth in God’s Word.
GGBS, like Gill Grove Baptist Church, takes fundamentalist and separatist stand as far as its doctrine is concerned. The administration, faculty, and staff must be born again, Bible-believing Christians, and must be active members of Gill Grove Baptist Church.
It is also the school’s desire to be a reinforcement of the Christian home. Students are taught what the proper respect between father, mother, child, husband or wife, and God should be. The home, like the church, is one of the two institutions God has ordained to carry out His plan for a Christian’s life. GGBS does not attempt to replace the Christian home, but tries to strengthen the home as God wants it to be according to His Word.